Trademarks and commercial names
A Trademark Registration is a title giving the exclusive right to use a sign for identifying a product or a service from a certain company within the markets. It is used to difference it from other identical products or services from other companies within the commercial traffic. A Trademark could be any word or a combination of words, images, figures, symbols, draws, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional shapes (wrappers, containers, product's shape or its representation) as well as the talking signs.
strong>Collective trademarks are those that personalize products or services belonging to some association of producers, manufacturers or trader, and trademark of guaranty are those that certify the common features of products and services manufactured or distributed by the authorized people and controlled by the trademark's principal.
The Trademark Registration is protected for 10 years from the filing date and it can be renewed indefinitely by identical periods.
Commercial Names
A Commercial Name Registration is a title giving the exclusive right to use a sign or denomination that identifies at a physical or legal person in the exercise of a corporate activity. It is used to difference it from other identical or similar activities from other companies. The Commercial Name distinguishes the company that creates or commercializes the products or provides the services and the trademark distinguishes the products or services that the company manufactures, commercializes or provides.
The Commercial Names could be the patronymic names, the registered names, the denominations for legal people, the denominations for fantasy, the denominations referring to the object of corporate activity, the anagrams and logos, and the images, figures and draws.
The Commercial Names, as industrial property titles, are independent from the companies' names registered on the Registry of Commerce.
The Commercial Name Registration is protected for 10 years from the filing date and it can be renewed indefinitely by identical periods.
Specialists in registration of Trademarks and Commercial Names.
Service | Price |
Research by identities and similarities and report concerning the feasibility of trademark or commercial name regitrations | FREE |
Trademark or Commercial Name application in just one class | 127,88€ |
>> For each additional class | 82,84€ |
>> Collection and shipment of the Official Qualification by Authorization, by including maintenance warnings, security service and opposition warnings along the legal live of the registration (10 years) | 125.00€ |
Opposition to any Trademark or Comercial Name application | 160,00€ |
Answer to any fail or opposition | 121.00€ |
(*) All the prices including VAT and official taxes